Decades of photojournalistic practice, recording PR and corporate events as well as weddings and private parties, have made me expert at capturing, in vivid colour and with split-second, perfect timing, the life and soul of the party.
In 2005 and 2006, I was the official event photographer for Southwark Council in London, covering their rainbow of workshops, parades, festivals and community initiatives, and was told my collection of vivid images had gained the Council's events more press inclusion in a year than they had in the previous 4 years combined.
At 5 foot 4-and-a-bit inches, I can't stand head and shoulders above any crowd, so I've had to get good at finding and reaching clear vantage points. This means I'll record your event from a variety of creative angles, which gives an immersive, 360-degree-feel to the final record.
Please feel free to call me on 07961 179 321 to discuss possible dates, times and numbers.